The Golden Wraith - Origins

Part 1 of how this concept was developed. 

It all started with curiosity: what could an androgynous, gender-fluid character look like?
Prompt (Midjourney): Masculine female --v 4 

I tried different approaches, and left it to simmer for a few months. I was trying very hard to get an androgynous body with no visible breasts, but it seemed impossible. 
Prompt (Midjourney): 

gouache concept art, french illustration graphic novel by aleksandar mihajlovic, 1920's bubblepunk androgynous masculine female, Full-Body Shot, dynamic pose, imposing expression, intricate postwar industrial retrofuturistic revolution machinery, exploding environment with shards explosion, cinematic, 8k, trending on artstation, bubblepunk --v 4 --ar 2:3

I kept trying, to no avail.


photo mockumentary video still of graphic novel character, 1920's bubblepunk androgynous ectomorphic masculine female, cute trans LGBTQ hairdo full-Body Shot, dynamic pose, imposing expression, intricate postwar industrial retrofuturistic revolution machinery, crazy environment with shards explosion, cinematic, 8k, trending on artstation, bubblepunk:: gouache concept art, french illustration --ar 2:3

I tried a few months later, on V5 of Midjourney - still very female-looking. 


photo mockumentary video still of 1920's bubblepunk androgynous ectomorphic masculine female, cute trans LGBTQ hairdo full-Body Shot, dynamic pose, imposing expression, intricate postwar industrial retrofuturistic revolution machinery, crazy environment with shards explosion, cinematic, 8k, trending on artstation, bubblepunk:: french cinematic coloring --ar 2:3

A few months later, I picked up this particular thread again, and went to give it a more dynamic look. I added a few magic words to increase the action and to make these characters look like they were in the middle of a whirwind of an adventure - and I was happy with the results!

I was still gunning for the androgynous / gender fluid look, and trying hard to create a unique world in which their adventures would take place. 

These characters just *ooze* fun!

I started playing with different environments, to give each their own distinct 'flavour'.

I moved towards blues and grays, for contrast against the gold and fire from the previous images...

Then, things got REALLY interesting.

There was now some proper world-building taking place! Emotions, color range, an aesthetic.

These were interesting characters, with a backstory and an adventure in the works!

... then things got REALLY interesting. It was time to formalize this adventure!
Check it out on Part 2.

Part 2 of the concept development, here. Follow the link!

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